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Buying a new furnace for your home in Enka, North Carolina, can be expensive. If you need to buy a furnace on a budget, use these four tips to find the best value: Get the

indoor air quality allergies resizedblog

Have you noticed that you’re sneezing and coughing more frequently inside your home? Are your eyes itchy, or is your nose runny? If you aren’t suffering from a common cold, your home’s indoor air quality

man holding wet cloth to forehead

With the summer here, residents in Asheville, North Carolina, are trying to stay cool. High humidity and warm temperatures challenge air conditioners to keep interiors comfortable. If your air conditioner isn’t beating the heat, it

Home Automation

Home automation is a hot topic across the nation. That’s why many property owners in Candler, North Carolina, are interested in learning more about how they can automate their own homes. As a busy professional,

Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome is a concern in properties throughout Marion, North Carolina. Many people are suffering from the effects of poor indoor air quality, resulting in health conditions and breathing problems. Read on to learn

Power Through a Summer Storm With a Quality Generator

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the greatest number of electric outages between 2008 and 2013 in Asheville, North Carolina, happened in July. In that time, weather-related incidents and fallen trees were the leading

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