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How Does a Backup Generator Work, and Why Do You Need One?

Installing Backup Generator

Occasional power outages are unavoidable. As such, a backup generator is a crucial device to ensure an uninterrupted electricity supply in your Asheville, NC, house. Also known as standby generators, these units keep your electrical appliances and lighting system running through outages. Read on to learn how they work and how to choose the best type and size for your home.

How Backup Generators Work

Backup generators use propane or natural gas to power your appliances. They come with a controller that monitors the utility network and signals the transfer switch to turn on the generator when it detects a power outage. Once the normal power supply resumes, the controller signals the transfer switch to connect the load back to the utility grid.

Generators with automatic transfer switches take very few seconds to turn on when an outage occurs. If your generator has a manual transfer switch, you must physically adjust it whenever an outage occurs, then adjust again to revert to grid mode once the power resumes.

According to the manufacturer, gas-powered Generac standby generators such as the ones we offer have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. You can customize a standby generator to power specific electrical and electronic devices.

Importance of Backup Generators

An unanticipated power outage affects your daily routine and comfort to a great extent. Outages that go on for days cause immense food wastage. Homes without lighting at night are more vulnerable to housebreaking and theft.

Investing in a backup generator ensures a steady power supply year-round. As long as you maintain your generator properly, you can keep up your normal routine even when your area experiences an outage. A generator with an automatic transfer switch provides smooth power transitions, so you can be sure your home remains safe at all times.

Finding the Best Backup Generator for Your Home

Standby generators vary by size and power capacity. The ideal generator capacity depends on the overall size of your home’s electrical load. It’s best if you seek professional guidance from your local electrical contractor.

Contact Gentry Service Group for generator installation and maintenance. We’ll provide you with a constant power supply, enhancing your peace of mind.

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